When I move to new places, I spend the first year intently discovering and identifying cultural tendencies and nuances (thank you Dr. Gossett at UNT). I have been living in Louisville, KY since March, 2009. It's about time to put some things in writing. And yes, I will be comparing my observations to other places I have lived, that's just how it works.
"You're Fine" can mean "okay", "no big deal", and "sure", especially when used as a response to a mild confrontation. A conversation may go like this,
Boss: "Hi, I noticed you were late to work today. I know it was only a few minutes, but I will need you to be here at the start time from now on. Okay?"
Employee: "You're fine."
This really bothered me, at first. I would hear other people say it to each other, and it struck me as "I hear what your are saying, and I'm telling you it's okay that you made the mistake of pointing this out. I forgive you." That was the yankee in me being offended by such a comment. However, I had to reach inside to the southern roots in me, and realized it is very similar to "bless your heart" in it's backhanded and mega-polite way of saying something without any actual malicious intent.
The one about moving to a new city
6 years ago
Had I not accustomed you to this one?? I say "You're fine" or "I'm fine" ALLLLL the time.