Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Confessions of a Bride, Part IV

Wedding planning brings out ALL previous family issues, baggage, your fears, and any possible and impossible drama.

I have great, understanding parents. Three of whom said to me, early in engagement,"No, you should plan exactly the kind of wedding you both want." Even my very caring, patient, parents and I had our rough moments in the planning process.

Tip for future brides: No matter how simple, low-key, or cooperative you are, drama will find you! It doesn't matter how little or much your parents contribute, how much your friends help out, how considerate you are to out of town guests, how low stress you try to keep it, how little your budget is, or how much you communicate why you both chose the kind of wedding you did. Conflict will come anyway.

The truth of the matter is that anyone who cares about you will have an opinion, won't be afraid to share it, or may get their feelings hurt. Get over it. The sooner you learn to, politely but confidently say,"Thank you for sharing that idea. We have decided, however, that what both of us want most is x." The better.

Just a friendly tip :)

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