Thursday, May 14, 2009

New craigs list friends

I did it. I posted a personals add on Craig's List for running partners. This is what it said,

I'm looking someone to run with at least once a week (week nights prefered).
Currently, my pace is a 12 min mile, and will get faster training for the
October half marathon. 29 year old female looking for female running partners or
a group.

2 weeks, and lot of emails, phone calls, and facebooking later, and I have 4 solid, friendly, nice, and enjoyable women to run with. They are smart, normal, and best of all, a totally random group. We don't work together, go to school or church together, just random people who use craiglist.

I love it. So far, so good. We are on a rotation running the same day every week, and we rotate who picks the location. The other days of the week, anyone just calls who ever to run together. 2 weeks in, and it's working great. I'm glad I took the risk.

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